Ghazal 2133
wake up, wake up
this night is gone
wake up
abandon, abandon
even your dear self
there is an idiot
in our market place
selling a precious soul
if you doubt my word
get up this moment
and head for the market now
don’t listen to trickery
don’t listen to the witches
don’t wash blood with blood
first turn yourself upside down
empty yourself like a cup of wine
then fill to the brim with the essence
a voice is descending
from the heavens
a healer is coming
if you desire healing
let yourself fall ill
let yourself fall ill
Translated by Nader Khalili
Rumi, Fountain of Fire
Monday, December 3, 2007
Ghazal 947
don't go to sleep
this night
one night is worth
a hundred thousand souls
the night is generous
it can give you
a gift of the full moon
it can bless your soul
with endless treasure
every night when you feel
the world is unjust
never ending grace
descends from the sky
to soothe your souls
the night is not crowded like the day
the night is filled with eternal love
take this night
tight in your arms
as you hold a sweetheart
remember the water of life
is in the dark caverns
don't be like a big fish
stopping the life's flow
by standing in the mouth of a creek
even Mecca is adorned with black clothes
showing that the heavens
are ready to grace
the human soul
even one prayer
in the Mecca of a night
is like a hundred
no one can claim
sleep can build
a temple like this
during a night
the blessed prophet
broke all the idols and
God remained alone
to give equally to all
an endless love
Translated by Nader Khalili
Rumi, Fountain of Fire
Ghazal 838
if you pass your night
and merge it with dawn
for the sake of heart
what do you think will happen
if the entire world
is covered with the blossoms
you have labored to plant
what do you think will happen
if the elixir of life
that has been hidden in the dark
fills the desert and towns
what do you think will happen
if because of
your generosity and love
a few humans find their lives
what do you think will happen
if you pour an entire jar
filled with joyous wine
on the head of those already drunk
what do you think will happen
go my friend
bestow your love
even on your enemies
if you touch their hearts
what do you think will happen
Translated by Nader Khalili
Rumi, Fountain of Fire
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I swear my dear son
no one in the entire world
is as precious as you are
look at that mirror
take a good look at yourself
who else is there above and beyond you
now give yourself a kiss
and with sweet whispers
fill your ears to the brim
watch for all that beauty
reflecting from you
and sing a love song to your existence
you can never overdo
praising your own soul
you can never over-pamper your heart
you are both
the father and the son
the sugar and the sugar cane
who else but you
please tell me who else
can ever take your place
now give yourself a smile
what is the worth of a diamond
if it doesn't shine
how can i ever put a price
on the diamond that you are
you are the entire treasure of the house
you and your shadow
are forever present in this world
you're that glorious bird of paradise
-- Ghazal 2148, from the Diwan-e Shams
Poetic translation by Nader Khalili
"Rumi, Fountain of Fire"
no one in the entire world
is as precious as you are
look at that mirror
take a good look at yourself
who else is there above and beyond you
now give yourself a kiss
and with sweet whispers
fill your ears to the brim
watch for all that beauty
reflecting from you
and sing a love song to your existence
you can never overdo
praising your own soul
you can never over-pamper your heart
you are both
the father and the son
the sugar and the sugar cane
who else but you
please tell me who else
can ever take your place
now give yourself a smile
what is the worth of a diamond
if it doesn't shine
how can i ever put a price
on the diamond that you are
you are the entire treasure of the house
you and your shadow
are forever present in this world
you're that glorious bird of paradise
-- Ghazal 2148, from the Diwan-e Shams
Poetic translation by Nader Khalili
"Rumi, Fountain of Fire"
I am dust particles in sunlight.
I am the round sun.
To the bits of dust I say, Stay.
To the sun, Keep moving.
I am the morning mist,
and the breath of evening.
I am the wind at the top of a grove,
and the surf on the cliff.
Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,
I am also the coral reef they founder on.
I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches.
Silence, thought, and voice.
The musical air coming through a flute,
a spark of stone, a flickering in metal.
Both candle and the moths crazy around it.
Rose, and the nightingale lost in the fragrance.
I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,
the evolutionary intelligence, the lift, and the falling away.
What is, and what isn't.
You who know, Jelaluddin,
You the one in all, say who I am.
Say I am you.

I am the round sun.
To the bits of dust I say, Stay.
To the sun, Keep moving.
I am the morning mist,
and the breath of evening.
I am the wind at the top of a grove,
and the surf on the cliff.
Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,
I am also the coral reef they founder on.
I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches.
Silence, thought, and voice.
The musical air coming through a flute,
a spark of stone, a flickering in metal.
Both candle and the moths crazy around it.
Rose, and the nightingale lost in the fragrance.
I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,
the evolutionary intelligence, the lift, and the falling away.
What is, and what isn't.
You who know, Jelaluddin,
You the one in all, say who I am.
Say I am you.
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